Thursday, July 16, 2015

Diocletian's Baths

Today we went back to the museum at the Baths of Diocletian.  While the main feature of the museum is epigraphy (inscriptions), there are a few statues worth showing.  Here is a Vestal Virgin.
 Here is Jupiter, carrying his protective cloak, the Aegis.

 Venus and Mars
 A theater mask that decorated the theater complex once a part of these baths.
 In the garden, huge animal figures that were originally in Trajan's Forum

 A relief of Mithras killing the bull.  If you look closely, you can see a dog lapping at the blood from the bull's slit neck, a serpent biting the bull's penis and a scorpion stinging the bull's gonads.  These were common elements in depictions of  Mithras killing the bull.
 Finally, an ornate sarcophagus showing battle scenes against the Germans, from the period around 180 AD.

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