Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tuesday June 30: Pompeii.

On Tuesday, June 30 we traveled to  Pompeii.  This was my fifth visit to Pompeii, but on this trip I was able to see parts of the ancient ruins I had not see before.

Like this tomb just outside the city walls.
and the amphitheater.

Inside the amphitheater they had constructed a building housing a special exhibit of the plaster casts of bodies of people who died during the eruption of 79 AD.

For my AOF and CMS boys, an obligatory picture of a phallic symbol.
A tablinum, or food shop.  Notice the beautiful marble counter.  Pompeii suffered an earthquake in 62-63 AD and when the eruption happened, some buildings were still being repaired from the earthquake.  Another consequence of the quake was that pieces of marble decoration were broken and then available for re-sale and re-use.  This shop owner used them to upgrade the appearance of his shop.

A household shrine.

A fresco of Menander, the Greek playwright.  For this reason this house is known as the House of Menander.
The household gods, the Lares.
The theater.
Temple of Isis.

Cave Canem!  Beware of Dog!
Vesuvius looming over.
On this trip I wandered out to see the so-called Villa of Mysteries, known for its frescoes.

Then I returned to the forum.
Both the left and right peaks were originally part of Mount Vesuvius.  If you draw a line following the slant of the shoulders upwards from each side, you get an idea of how much

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