Sunday, June 28, 2015

Palazzo Massimo

On Friday, 26 June, after a morning spent at the Academy, we went to the Palazzo Massimo Museum in the afternoon.  Palazzo Massimo is near Termini, the main train and metro station in Rome.  The museum holds a number of world famous statues, portrait busts and mosaics.

Germanicus: Germanicus was the son of Drusus Claudius and Drusus was Augustus' step-son.  Germanicus was popular and had distinguished himself militarily at a young age.  He was poisoned on orders from his uncle (and adoptive father) Tiberius.

Augustus: in his role as Pontifex Maximus--the chief priest of Rome.

Niobe: Niobe boasted she was better than Leto who was the mother of Apollo and Diana.  In response, Apollo and Diana killed her children and Niobe was turned into a weeping rock.

The Boxer: a famous Hellenistic bronze from the 200's BC.

Seleucid Prince: another Hellenistic bronze from the 200's BC.

 Venus of Menophantos: a greek sculpture of the first century BC.


The discus thrower





Livia's Dining Room


Bedroom frescoes

Mithras killing a bull

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