Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13: Back in Roma

Saturday, after a smooth flight that arrived early, I caught a taxi to my hotel (I don't move into my apartment until Sunday).  Since I was early, I went wandering around to get some fresh air and sunshine.  While wandering, I decided I needed a hat so I grabbed a cab to Piazza del Popolo and bought un prestante cappello, then took a "selfie" in front of the obelisk of Ramses II that Augustus brought to Rome.

When I returned to my hotel I was able to get in my room, shower and nap.  Asking at the desk for suggestions for dinner, they recommended Da Fabrizio, just down the street.  As I was waiting for my food, I heard a bit of commotion outside and noticed the locals were having a parade to welcome me back to Rome.

I wish.  Today, 13 June, is the feast day of St. Anthony, so the parade was in his honor.  They had a marching band,

With ruffled shirts and harlequin tights,

A picture of St. Anthony,


Another marching band,


and a statue of St. Anthony, carried by local dignitaries, including the owner of the restaurant.

My dinner was fabulous.  Spaghetti carbonara followed by thin sliced steak with a sharp cheese and argula.  After dinner I took a little walk through the crowded streets of the Trastevere neighborhood where I am staying.  As luck would have it, I came across Fatamorgana Gelato, ranked as one of the top ten gelaterias in Rome.
 Of course, when ordering gelato, I try to consider all the flavors available, as long as they're chocolate.  The darkest was called "Madagascar Chocolate" so I went for that.

More news later...Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great return to Roma! I love all flavors as long as they're chocolate. Yum!
